February 27, 2011

Morning People

Have you ever woken up one morning, and you were just in an awesome mood? Yea, me neither. But then again I am not a morning person. In all honesty, I am almost tempted to not believe in these so called morning people. This is due to the fact, that all rational thought would lead me to believe that they do not exist. The problem with believing this though, is that it's just not true. Morning people have been attempting to ruin my life since as long as I can remember. From 7 am high school classes, to 5 am flights, morning people have found a way to inject their absurd practice into my everyday life. No matter what I do, I have not been able to stop them from controlling society. And with each failed attempt, I grow more and more frustrated with myself. I was just about to give up all hope until I saw this video....

Keep hope alive people.

By the way, the words at the end of the video mean Happy Easter......it just makes the video even better.



    Brunch is the anti morning person meal.

    ALSO, video isn't working for me..

  2. LMAO should I be scared that I sleep in the same room as you?

    I think not :D

    This was hilarious BTW

  3. in the morning, I don’t resemble any “person”. Mornings are overrated, and, furthermore, so are cheerful people in the morning
