February 26, 2011

10 Reasons to See A Movie With Me

Here's a list that I imagine is without purpose, as no one needs convincing to see a movie with me. Regardless:

1. I make witty comments throughout the movie.

2. If you want me to, I’ll stop.

3. I more often than not will open the door for you on the way in.

4. Because I don’t use public bathrooms, you’ll never be left sitting alone.

5. Unless, of course, I go to buy snacks.

6. I always buy snacks.

7. If the movie is a comedy I don’t have an obnoxious laugh, and if it’s not a comedy I still don’t have an obnoxious laugh.

8. If you ask me a question about one of the actors or the director I will always have the answer.

9. Unfortunately, I am usually making it up.

10. If the movie is only playing in a theatre in a mall, and that mall has a large, multi-story parking garage, I never forget where the car is parked.

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