February 28, 2011

Whatever Works

I'm doing homework right now.

I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. Instead, I'm watching Woody Allen's 2009 film, Whatever Works, starring Larry David. Now, it should be pretty, pretty, pretty obvious that, in my book, Larry David is god. The same goes for Woody Allen, though maybe he's a slightly, and I mean slightly, lesser god. It's a sort of Ra-Osiris situation, if you're up on your Egyptian mythology. Being that I feel this way, I was very surprised when the majority of people did not agree with me in thinking Whatever Works was the greatest thing to be made in Hollywood since The Departed. Did you like it? I imagine you did. If you did not, I haven't a clue for what reason you are still checking this blog.

Oh you've yet to see the film in question? Well, enjoy the beginning below.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked Whatever Works, but you know what was made after The Departed (which, possibly being the best movie of the first decade of this century, you know, was pretty good) and before this? The Darjeeling Limited, In Bruges, No Country for Old Men, Superbad, District 9 (I think)....not to be sassy with you, but yeah, sassing a little bit.
