February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to a very special guy

Today was Sam's 20th birthday. We spent the day shopping, eating paninis, cursing at/chasing pigeons(mostly max), being terrified of pigeons (mostly me), dancing and learning how to toot it and boot it (all Sam), and eating gelato. In all, it was a pretty great day. So in honor of one of the nicest people I have ever met, and one of my best friends, I present the greatest birthday song ever made. A birthday song written, produced, and performed by one of the greatest musicians of all time. Happy Birthday Sam. Enjoy.

***Black History Month Fact- I feel like there are a lot of people who have only heard the chorus to this song, and therefore don't realize that this song was written for Dr. King. Stevie Wonder wrote this song during the campaign to make Dr. King's birthday a holiday. He played a large role in the fight for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Due to his efforts, and the efforts of many others, Martin Luther King Jr. Day was signed into existence on November 2nd, 1983. An interesting thing to note about this though, is that not all states observed the holiday even when it was signed into law. Incredibly, the year 2000 was the first time that all 50 states observed Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


  1. When I was in third grade my teacher taught us this song and why it was written and every time it was someone's birthday this is how we sang it to them. I always thought it was so much more beautiful than the standard version. I'm still grateful to her, it was an insightful thing to teach 7 year olds.

    PS You guys are doing so well with this blog, I love reading it! Glad you're all having fun!
